Our bees are waiting for spring.
With the first sunny and warm days the bees make the first spring flight. At this time, the first flowers (saffron (crocus), dandelions, snowdrops) and trees (willow, walnut, apricot) begin to bloom. Bees begin to collect pollen.


Our pollen traps will help you to collect pollen efficiently and safely for the bee colony. To do this, install our bottom pollen trap on the bottom of the hive. Insert the pan into the bottom and push it in firmly.
The principle of the pollen trap is based on the fact that the bee is forced to pass through pollen collecting grids with holes in order to get to its house. Thus, it leaves slightly less than 50% of the collected pollen on the pollen trap grids. A bee will be able to leave the hive freely through the tubes that are in the pollen trap.

  • collected pollen does not freeze during rain and morning dew;
  • the bee enters the hive in the usual way, through the entrance door;
  • the large volume of the pallet makes it possible to collect pollen not every day, but every 6-7 days.
  • when inspecting the nest does not need to remove the pollen trap.